@splinterlands !!! Greediness vs Selfishness!!! #Democrats vs #Republicans !!! #StimulusPackage !!! @DTube_Official @dtubenetwork @hive_blockchain #StimulusCheck #StimulusBill #gaming #LifeGoesOn #selfish #greedy #dailyvlog Hey Hey everybody... So, the upgraded Stimulus Package that has been increased to $2,000 was a nice thought and probably would have passed but, the way the wording is written and the demands requested are, in My opinion, unreachable... Democrats are being too Greedy and the Republicans are notoriously selfish... If it would have been left at $2,000 for adults, $600 for dependents, and nothing for Adult Dependents, this bill may have had a chance to pass through the Senate. But now that the Democrats are asking for $2,000 for each of these categories, it is too rich for Republican's selfish bloodline... We will see what happens tomorrow... Playing some @splinterlands tonight completing a...