@oracle d, @oracle d task Review a Media DApp from @stateofthedapps We...

@oracle-d, @oracle-d.task - Review a Media #DApp from @stateofthedapps Website - My Review of @dsound - A Place to Share Your Audio Art Form with the World!!!

Hey #steemians and #dtubers… Do you Love making Music, Doing Podcast or Reciting Poetry? Are You an Independent (Indie) Artist trying to get exposure to your Music, band or Groud and Sell some of your Music? Well, this #Dapp I am reviewing today is just the one you have been looking for and is powered by the #steem Platform. I bring to you @dsound!!! A Place where you can share all of your Audio Artforms no matter what they are and earn some Crypto Rewards and possibly some sales as well. This is @dsound on @stateofthedapps and can be found here on their website:
You can also find @dsound on their @steemit profile here at this link:

When you first arrive at their website you will be able to login via#steemconnect and see a list of music or audio files of those that you follow on #steemit. You will also see there tabs to the left of the page. They are "Trending", "Hot", and "New". To the right top side of the page, you will also see an upload button and a link to your #steemit account information.

When You Click on the Upload button you will be brought to a page with a few things to fill out and a few tasks to do before you can submit an audio file to the site. You will need to provide a thumbnail in a "Square" format, A title for your audio file (Title will auto-populate if the sound file is already named), A place for a description which I recommend filling out so your audience know a little bit about the audio they will listen to, a place for type of file, genre, and keywords (Tags, Genre Listing, etc). You will also have access to a button allowing people to download the sound file and another for people to buy the sound file and a place to insert a URL to the purchase page.

You will also be able to create an "Artist Profile Page" and a "Song Profile Page" for each individual song uploaded. This #DApp has it all for the Artist in you. A FAbulous #dapp for sure and another Amazing place to share your content on the Amazing #steem Powered #blockchain.

If your Not Following @oracle-d you need to. They have a lot of Contest and Tasks for you to do every week to spread the word of everything Amazing #steem and Build Awareness for this #blockchain... Go and Get Your Hustle on for all (3) of these amazing #dapps and Get REWARDED for all your EFFORTS!!!
@oracle-d - @oracle-d.tasks

You can also find @stateofthedapps on their @steemit page here:
and at their website here:
Much love and Respect to All of You Always, Your Brother for Life and Beyond, @jeronimorubio - @dtube, and #STEEM to the MOON!!!
Every Day I say Thank you to All of the Wonderful and AmazingPeople in My Life Like My Beautiful Fiance Vanja, Our Two Children Angeles and David and All of My Family in Mexico, Norway, Thailand (My Brother @stewsak), and here in the USA. They Are a True Blessing in My Life and I Love Them With All of My Heart.
Every Day I say Thank you to All of the Wonderful and AmazingPeople in My Life like all of you Beautiful and Amazing #steemains, #dtubers, @steemmonsters, @dtube, @onelovedtube, @helpie, @dcooperation, @steem-ua, @oracle-d, @steem.ninja, @steemhunt, @steepshot, @partiko, @vladivostok, @dtubedaily, @drisers, @bdcommunity, @nathanmars7, @steemnurse, #dtubefamily777, #linkseven77, @prettynicevideo, and all of the DApps and Dev Teams on these Amazing #steem Powered Platforms. I Love All of You as Well.
May You always live in the Abundance of Beauty, Love and Be at Peace in Your Heart, My Amazing Family All Over the World and My #dtube and#steemit Family... Go Out and Spread that Joy, Happiness, Peace, and Love Always Every Day. @jeronimorubio
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